Partners & Affiliates

About Us

It Takes A Village

At PPW, we do not work in a vacuum and realize long term success requires a group effort. In order to integrate all aspects of your financial picture, we work hand in hand with your other advisors, like your CPA or your estate planning attorney.


Our one-stop practice and close professional connections enable us to be highly responsive. We can provide you with a loan answer within days, email you an analysis of a potential real estate purchase, send you a speedy referral to a CPA or estate planning attorney, redesign and turbocharge your 401(k) plan and point you toward what we believe are excellent 529 providers, credit card providers and corporate trustees.

Overhead photo of people walking

Partners & Affiliates

Estate planning attorneys

Real Estate Brokers

Trust companies


Commercial Banks

Residential Mortgages

401(k) Record Keepers

Time is a precious commodity. Maximize yours with specialists who understand your unique needs. Contact Pasadena Private Wealth today.
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